Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluations

1. What are things you like about the class? 
Some things that I like about this class is how the assignments are not as difficult as other classes may assign them to be. Also, because Mr. Haymore always encourages us to strive for the best and brings out the best in us when we don't see it. 

2. What are things you don't like about this class? 
What i personally don't like about this class is how the grading is being evaluated because we always give it our all in the assignments but we never get the full points that we deserve. 

3. Recommendations for improving the class? 
I would recommend that students should be graded based on the work they've given and get tips on why they got the get you thought they deserved.

4. What was a highlight for you in this class? 
A highlight for me in this class was that it wasn't as stressful as other classes.

5. Explain; Did you really do your best in this class? 
Honestly, I believe that i didn't really do my best but I've given well written assignment that deserved an "A". They may have not been my best but i did what was asked and a little extra. 

6. Answer; Are you reading and writing in your life planning Goals Journal: both parts- Goals part and Sharpen the Saw Part for at least five minutes daily and reporting. Explain? 
Why yes of courses, I am reading and writing in my Life Planning Goals Journal, because I actually have goals that I will accomplish soon enough. It's not really that difficult to do what is asked from Mr. Haymore and a few accomplishments you wish to achieve wouldn't hurt to be written done for an assignment.

7. Answer; Are you committed to being a CTR person and seeking Personal Development? Why or Why Not? 
I actually am committed into staying a CTR person and seeking personal development, because not only will it benefit me in the long run but I can help and influence others to do the right thing and to be successful. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Key 1Clarity

"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life.  Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going.  If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

To have clarity is to have the quality of being easy to see or hear. Having clarity can be difficult for many people but it all depends on how your personality is. I can strongly agree with Brian Tracy about making sure you are determined on what you want to be or where you want your life to be. Making sure you have a direction in what way you're going is being than not having any idea where you're heading. If you are not prepared for the real world then you will be doomed and will end up possibly not having the future you dreamed and were hoping to have so in order to accomplish you dreams yo have to focus lay out a plan and accomplish them. Being clear on the choices you have decided to make can take you to a positive or negative direction it all depends on how you are but it can lead to two different directions so make sure you make the right decisions thin clearly and do not let anything get in the way of your future and dreams.

Key 2Competence

"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

Committing to your future will benefit you in the long run because it's your future and you will be deciding your fate in which where you career will lead and how much money you'll end up having in your savings account. The more effort you put into your work then the better outcome you'll receive. Making sure your dedication is the effort you put into your opportunities then the less you have to worry about the outcome. Making sure you commit to your excellence then the more opportunities you'll receive and the brighter your future looks. 

Key 3Concentration

"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself “Is this the best use of my time?” before you start anything."

What it means to have concentration is the action or power of focusing on ones attention or mental effort. Making sure that you focus and have complete concentration on your work is best because if you don't then you wouldn't be doing the right thing which to focus on your work to receive the best grade you can.  Having concentration on a test is very important as well because they you'll get distracted and possibly fail because you didn't focus on the time you had to complete your test. Another way to concentrate is on your sport that way you'll know what you need to improve and how to manage that into your school work as well.  Concentrating for me personally is a bit difficult because i get distracted easily but since i know my weaknesses i just have to prevent them from happening no matter how intriguing the conversation is. Always remember to remained focus at all times. 

Key 4Common Sense
  • Train your mind
  • think things through
  • listen to your intuition
  • learn from setbacks

Key 5Creativity

"Except the fact that every human being is a genius.  The hallmark of creativity is asking questions.  The people who are most creative ask the most questions."

Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. Everyone has the ability to be creative or express themselves creatively. But not everyone chooses to improve their skills of learning how to use their imagination. Again not even needs to learn how to limit their imagination or learn how to use it but there is no limit to how far your imagination takes place because you are free to write freely. Creativity can come from motivation that you develop or that you had when you began to brainstormed.

Key 6Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.  Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."

Having to consider other peoples thoughts, feelings, opinions, or ideas is a big deal because that's how you can start building relationships with others. Developing this skill will not only benefit you in the long run but it can also teach you to respect others and that your ideas or thoughts aren't the only ones that matter. having to make decisions as a whole is the whole concept of consideration. Not only having yourself included makes you considerate of others and not selfish and always just worrying about yourself. Ways that it can benefit you is if you have to work on a group project you and your group members have to consider each others ideas and plans. It just can't go how one person wants it to because they're being inconsiderate towards others. Another way is if you're being examined by your boss and puts you to work with others he would expect you to show him how considerate you are of other options or opinions your peers may have. 

Key 7: Consistency

"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work.""Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work.  Be the person that people can depend upon.  That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."

To be consistently on top of your work is good because it can better your future and help you make the consistently a routine. Being able to put your priorities first is a good skill to achieve because it can help you get organized and it can help you knock out the things you need to get done no exceptions before the you do the ones that don't really matter as much. Being able to have a consistency routine prevents you from procrastinating and not slacking off. In order to commit in a relationship, family, or your career you need to be sure that you need to be consistent and work to develop your relationships work. Make you're not giving up because being consistent is not being a quitter because being a quitter doesn't get you anywhere.

Key 8Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment.  The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work.  Be totally committed."

In order to commitment you have to be determined and give it your all. If you don't you can't build up a relationship with others even if it's just either a friendship or etc. Everything is based on commitment such as trust is the main thing. if there is no trusting in your partner then you falsely believe that your partner is not committing then you'll start to do the same maybe. Anyways commitment is also important because it can show how committed you can be to anything such as you career, relationship, friendships, interviews, and etc.  Being commitment can be something you can learn to develop or improve. It takes leadership to be able to commit to something without backing up. Shoeing how committed you can be towards something maybe you can have an impact or influence others to do the same and they'll follow your lead. Some signs of commitment can be making a journal of goals you will complete in a certain amount of moths, years etc and it can be a way to help you commit to the goals you want to achieve. Commitment can be the key to many things you'll just have to experience what it's like to be committed to something. Being in a sport also takes commitment so that can also be a way to start off slow trying commitment to many opportunities.

Key 9Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life." 

I agree with Brian Tracy because the only thing that stops people from their accomplishments is their fear of not being able to accomplish them. For example many people could have tried out for sports they wanted to join and improve their skills and possibly could have gotten a scholarship from the sport they were playing but never tried out before they were afraid that they weren't going to make the team. Many of us bring ourselves down and always assume that we won't be able to do anything. We always let our ear get in the way of our success. Instead of letting our fear get in the way of the things we want to accomplish we should embrace that fear and go through with it because it'll show us how we can overcome any obstacle that gets in our way. using the fear as advantage can help us in the long run because we can always look back at tell ourselves that we did it and our fear didn't stop us. We have to learn how to build up our courage and overcome fears that are stopping us from our great future ahead of us. As someone once said courage is doing something that you didn't think you'll be doing. Search for the hero that's inside your self to motivate you to do things that you didn't think you were capable of doing. 

Key 10Confidence

"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."

In order to have confidence the feeling or belief that one can reply on someone or something; firm trust.  Being confident not only helps you but it can also inspire confidence in others as well. Gaining the confidence to be yourself helps you find yourself more and helps you define what you are made of. Lack of self-confidence can really damage your life because then you start thinking low of yourself and start to judge your performance and nothing will ever be good enough for you. But to be honest nothing is ever perfect as long as you try your best you will always stay above especially if you have confidence in yourself and others. facing your fears is something that can be very difficult at first as soon as you start believing in yourself and build the courage to face your fears that's when you build the confidence you needed to help you face your fears. Once others start seeing how easier everything is once you faced everything you were afraid of you'll inspire them to do the same because who doesn't want to be fearless and confidence about themselves. 


1)  How can they benefit you?  

I can benefit from these 10 Keys to Personal Power by using them in a daily basis.
2)  Which keys are you applying now, and what difference are they making in your life? 

The keys I am applying to my life right now is the confidence key. Having confidence should be important to have in your life because without confidence you wont be successful. Another key that I am applying to my life is the key of consistency because if I do not consist of continuing to try again then i will not be able to ever get it right. Another one I use in a daily basis is the key of consideration. The key of consideration is important to ones daily life because if you do not consider others opinions or thoughts how do you expect to get a job that consist of you working well with others if you cannot work with others. 
3)  How will you incorporate the other keys into your Life Planning plans?

The way I will incorporate these keys into my life planning plans is by writing them done onto my calendar and checking them off as I go about my day. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

i learned that the book is very descriptive and helpful towards many people. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People can help change many people's lives in  positive way.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How To Remember Someones Name 

    Remembering someones name 


You should commit to remembering peoples names because you would want them to remember yours.  

2. You need to concentrate remembering someones name. Listen to it and make an impression of that person. 
3. Repeat the name to yourself so it can stick with you and you won't forget.

 4. Try to associate the person's name with their face. Try to imagine them and their name together for a while.

I'm excited to see my brother this coming weekend because i haven't seen him in a while. I can't for the weekend. I don't know what else to really talk about cause i cant really think of anything else to talk about. I really miss volleyball practice and games but our season is over so now we don't have practice or any games. But the good news is that we can or join club, but we have to pay 110 dollars a month for 5 months. What i can do is sell volleyball shirts to raise the money or chocolates if they give us permission to do so of course. I really want to do club because then ill still be able to play volleyball and we'll continue to have practice and compete with other people who did or joined club at their school for volleyball. I still have to let my mom know though
and ask her if i can join because it'll be good to notify her want i want to do and she can probably help me out and give me some other choice or her advice about what she thinks i should do.

I'm a bit upset because my older brother has to go back to Berkeley. My family and i only got to see him for 2 days and that was only because he had to recruit new people for his frat. I won't be able to see him until thanksgiving probably and if not i won't be able to see him until Christmas. I'm happy that my brother got the opportunity to attend U.C Berkeley but it kinda sucks because we only get to see him every 3 or 4 months. What sucks is that my siblings and I all got sick that same weekend. One thing i enjoyed about my weekend was that my family and I throw my brother a little gathering. We invited some of his "brothers" from his frat and some other friends he has at USC. I really enjoyed myself that day, because my family and I were all spending time together with my brother before he left.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)
"When you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now." (Covey)

Habit 3: Put First Things First
"Organize and execute around priorities." 

It's good to put your priorities first, because if you don't then you'll just be behind on the important things that needed to be done. It's also good to organize your plans, that way you know which you'll need to do first and of course the least important will be put to the end because all that matters is getting the priority done. For example if you have a lot of homework to do and quizzes or test the same day prioritize which you need to finish first and which will count the most. Because if you do the assignment and it was just worth 10 points and you didn't end up studying for you quiz which was about 60 points you didn't prioritize because the quiz was worth more so you should have put it your priority to study for it. This was one great way to show which outcomes you should prioritize if it ever comes to making a decision like so. Another example can be if you owe someone 3 dollars but you want to buy some junk food with the money you have you have to set your priorities straight and payback what you owe and if you happen to have left over money then that's when you think about buying other things that aren't so important.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."

If you always think positive then you'll be surrounded by good. If you also always believe then you will win or end up getting it your way then it sure will come your way. Setting your mind to believe that you will achieve it then it will happen.  Once you picture yourself as getting the prize and seeing yourself celebrating your win then the win will come to you. But of course you can't just always expect for things to come your way you have to work for it and then it will come your way. Working for the win and thinking that you will get it and knowing that you also deserve it then you shall receive it. Once you put your mind and heart to something then it will come in your favor. But remember not everything comes your way just by asking for it you have to put in determination and effort into the things you want to win. Getting this to be a habit can benefit you because you are surrounding yourself with positiveness. If you also surround yourself with others that do the or think the same way it can boost your self-esteem.  As long as you believe you can do it then you shall do it and also win it.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."

In order for others to understand you, you must be able to understand others. Understanding something difficult can be frustrating but, if you give it patience then you shall soon come to an understanding.The key to understanding your own work is to be able to understand yourself because you're the one doing the work so find out how it makes you feel and then continue off of that.  If you want others to understand you, you must learn how to understand yourself. If you don't understand your own work or research what makes you think others will. Understanding yourself can be difficult, some people just don't know where to start or how to start. But know this eventually we all find ourselves if were looking because if you are you can be living a totally different understanding. Once you figured out how to understand yourself you can focus on trying to help others understand themselves. Then others and yourself will be able to understand what you mean.

Habit 6:  Synergize

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"

The simplest way to describe synergize is basically means "two heads are better than one". Two heads are better than one because for example if you get the front page of your homework and your friends only gets the back page of the homework you guys can both help each other understand what the work is and then compare answers. This is the habit of creative cooperation. It's all about teamwork, open-minded, and experiencing problem solving adventures. All this is a process that has to be done with the help and support of others. Because like i said it's better to be putting all our knowledge and experience within each other that way we'll learn more together as a team. There's also another saying " Great minds think alike" i believe that's true because "EVERYBODY" is smart and if we just would work together there's nothing that we all couldn't set our minds to do. 

Habit 7:  Sharpen the Saw
The Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional

Reflection: Write an overall final reflection in this post regarding the "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People."  Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write what you commit to do to continue applying the seven habits.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

How to Win Friends and Influence People 

Dale Carnegie

Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people. 
1) Do this and you will be welcome everywhere 
2) "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
3) "Ask questions to other people, questions that they would enjoy answering."  

When you're genuinely become interested in other peoples lives other than yourself you start to masking new friends. Showing others that you can listening to them is another way of making new friends. This is rare but what some people did in a show i watched called " The Suite Life Of Zack and Cody", this girl named London Tipton would bribe them a stack of $ 100 dollar bills to become her friend and was one way she interested people into becoming her friend. Although i wouldn't recommend making friends that way.  When you become interested in others life stories they start to appreciate your presence and start respecting you and then maybe they'll start looking up to you. That can also be a way to influence them to do the same you do to them to others. Allan Lokos once said, " The more we genuinely care about others the greater our own happiness and inner peace is". I love this quote, because once people start to care about others we can boost our own happiness and self esteem because that would be a way we all want to be treated. I'm pretty sure that everyone wants to be treated with respect and curiosity. One way i can apply this to my life is by treating people with the same respect i would want to be treated with.  One way i can also help others genuinely care about others is by influencing them with how i live my life genuinely caring and showing the respect i would want to others.

Rule 2: Smile

1) "Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, "I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you."
2) "You don't feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile."

3) "It creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in a business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends."

Rule 3: Remember Names 

1) "A man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
2) "If you don't remember names, you are headed for trouble."

Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

1) " If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener." 
2) "Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems. 

Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest.

"The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most."
What this means is that when you talk to someone you should talk to them about what they want to achieve in life. Such as what their plans are for their future, what their goals are in life, what or who they care about the most, and who knows you'll probably find some things in common. Once you figure out or they tell you what they care the most about you should feel sensitive to their response because sometimes it's not easy for a man to tell you their deepest secrets such as what or who they care about the most. Trying to make a connection with someone at first may seem a bit difficult cause they're not responding or because it just gets awkward. It gets easier the more you try to talk to someone though. This makes men sometimes vulnerable because they just told you something that's very important to them and like i said some find it hard to talk about themselves or their families. I guess in a way it makes them soft because they dont have to act all that anymore since you got to know them personally. 

6. Make The other Person Feel Important - And Do It Sincerely 

" The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature"- ( John Dewey) Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic." 

What this means is that helping people is a good thing and not only does it help them but it helps you too. I agree with the quote, because i do desire to feel important or want to be important to others other than my family of course. I'm also pretty sure that I'm not the only one that wants to feel important to everybody. I want to impact people's lives and show them that they can be anything or do anything as long as they are willing to put in the work. John Dewey is in the right path and speaks the truth and that is why we are using his quote and being taught by it. I also know that he is important because if he wasn't Mr. Haymore wouldn't be telling us to write a paragraph of the meaning of the quote.  

Final Reflection

My deepest thoughts about the "Six Way To Make People Like You" are that they can be very helpful but i doubt that any people will actually use them to help improve their social skills.  I think personally that the " Six Ways To Make People Like You" will be useful towards me because it can help me make new friends and I'm be able to communicate better with people, once i learn not to shut people out of my life. I know 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Duke University School of Medicine 
Durham, NC

75th Percentile Score 
SAT (2370)
4.17 + GPA
ACT (34+)
Highschool Diploma 
Test Scores 
High school Class Rank 
College Preparation Program 
Advanced Coursework in Math and Science (MSPT)
Essay/ Personal Statement 
Science GPA

Tuition $ 53,323 
70 Departments and Programs of Study 
Certificate Programs, Dual and Joints Degrees, Graduates Program 

Degree Offered: PhD
Faulty Working with Students: Varies 
Student: 6-8 each Year 
Students Receiving Financial Aid : 100%
Test Required: GRE General 
part Time Study Available: No 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Volunteering at a local hospital
Earn more than high marks in math and Science
One-Year of English Writing Composition
One-Year of Physics
One-Year of General Biology
Two-Years of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
Credits in Calculus and Statistics
Bachelor's Degree
All Science Courses Must Have A Lab
Opting for Genetics
GPA: 3.9+
AAMC (score of a 35+)

Tuitition $ $12, 918
100+ Majors are offered

I will attend UCLA school of medicine, because in the future in order to be where i will be in Nursing UCLA is the best option for me. UCLA is also closer to where my family lives around and i wouldn't want to study somewhere where i won't recieve any type of assistance to get through college without them. They inspire me to go and accomplish what i will become because it is my future and also because i don't want to struggle in life or if i end up having kids i don't want them to have to worry about anything.

Free lance Post

I'm really lokking forward to our tournament game against "Legacy", because we recently lost against them yesterday Sept. 27.16.  My whole team was a bit upset and so was i but then i just accepted the fact that we lost and that we are fortanuate enough to be given another chance to defeat them in our home here at "Linda Maarquez Highschool". After the game yesterday on the bus ride back to school everybody seemed so down so i broke the silence by starting some chants . Because whether we lost we still shouldn't let it get to us. Once i started singing and cheering some chants everyone joined in started chanting with me. After that it was just fun but not for everyone because some people just wanted to be left alone. I guess i wouldn't understand how much that loss got to them , because since it is my first year in varsity volleyball and they got defeated by "Legacy" twice now it got to them emotionally. And i wouldn't understand because i wasnt there with them when they lost to "Legacy" last year. But i know that forsure we will be ready for them when they come and play us for the tournament here at our home.  And once again we will maintain our "winning streak" once we defeat "Legacy".

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"The Six Attitudes Of High Achievers" 

John R. Noe

1. Make No Small Plans 

 As Niccolo Machiavelli once said ,"Make no small plans for they have no power to stir the soul". I agree with Machiavelli said, because if you make no plans you are not preparing yourself for your future and then you'll be lost.What John means by "Make No Small Plans" is that no plan can be too big so make the best out of every plan you make. Have you ever heard of the saying " Go Big or Go Home" well this is what you should be putting into your plans. It should include a lot of thought, organizing, punctation, structure, time and place, imagination, orginality, and etc. Plans need to be well thought especially if you're going to be presenting it to someone else. When you present to others you also have to think about strategies and learn how to be able to explain your plan step by step. To make plans you also have to think outside the box and over exaggerate or over imaginate if you have to because nothing is too small.

2. Do What They Fear

You should do what you fear, because then you won't have nothing to fear about. Having to accomplish something someone fears makes you succeed more in life. The quote that i chose to write about and explain was " People fear what they don't understand and they hate what they fear". A lot of people fear things they don't understand for example "God". When people say that they believe in "God" the first thing they think of is that they only belive is, because it helps them grab onto any hope they have left which sometimes they believe because they fear what's going to happen next. Accomplishing what you fear is something is a big relief that you've been waiting to let go. Many fear, which can lead to failure and if you don't want to fail in life and on yourself then you have to face your biggest fears before someone tries to use it against you to get what they want.

3. Are Willing to Prepare

 To be prepared is to make something ready for use or consideration. When you are willing to be prepared for anything that is thrown at you is true successful person. Once you give your dedication to your work that's when you are truly prepared to recieve your success. When someone is prepared that means that they are ready to for anything that will be given to them. For example; In school if you are willing to be prepared you are ready to recieve the work that give you the passing grade. Preparing for something you are not ready for is just the beginning of something that you will soon be successful in. If you are willing to put in the work they your are willing to recieve the success that will come with it.

4. Are Willing to Risk Failure

Successful people are willing to risk failure, because once they see an opportunity that they believe in they will risk anything to get it. It's not that they'd do whatever they want to get what they want it's just that once you believe in something or find hope in a certain item you'll do anything to get it. Everyday opportunities like this happen especially with business people. Taking a risk once in a while isn't that bad but if you do it constantly you just have to know what you may be willing to give up. Failure can easily be brought back up with positive help and great advice. One thing people must remember is that once you've hit rock bottom doesn't your life is over embrace the rock bottom and build yourself back up from it. because those who've came back from rock bottom are the most successful in life because they never gave up or lost hope. For example when teachers don't grade you correctly based on the work you turned in and just grade you based on what they think. You may be failing right now but prove them wrong or ask questions to make sure they are grading you fairly because at the end of the day it's your grade that you have to deal with.

5. Are Teachable.

In order to become a high a achiever you must learn how to be able to teach others. To be teachable is being able to learn by being taught. If you want to be successful you be teachable that way you learn others how to succeed in their life or in their career. Priest are great examples of being teachable. They teach you the bible and God taught them. They present themselves respectfully and are very trustworthy. Trust is main characteristic to have because then they'll come to you for advice or just to let loose of any problems they have. It can also be a skill you can learn. Teach others what others taught you. Spread your wisdom and knowledge to others. By you devoting your time to teach someone else they will learn how to devote their time and knowledge as you did for them when they end up teaching someone else. So in a way you're being a great role model and a mentor. And for that they will always look up to you and know in the future that if someone needed assistance they would provide it cause someone showed them a while back before.

6. Have Heart
When you have heart that means that you feel some type of emotion and you're not cold blooded. When someone is cold blooded they have no feelings or show no emotions. They also don't care about others or anything basically. Having heart is important because it shows others what you feel and that you care.  Some people find it difficult to show some emotion. Having a heart also shows that you mean well and you will sympathize those who struggle in school or etc. having a good heart can be helpful to others and yourself. Such as if someone has something in their shirt or teeth and you tell them that shows that you have a good heart because you are saving them the embarrassment of having to walk with it all day at school. Those with a good heart mean well, at times it may or can come off as them being rude but they're just trying to help you. A good heart can relate to their inner soul or spirit of a person. If someone does bad all their life doesn't mean they don't have a good heart it just means that they were influenced differently. It's something people find difficult showing. Some people don't like showing emotion especially guys, because then others will think they're feminine. And to prove others wrong they tend to hide their feelings to be more masculine. 


It's important to have all Six Attitudes of High Achievers, because it can help you in the long run. It's also very important, because you can influence others to do good as well. Having a bad attitude doesn't help you or others. Showing that you can help others is good because it's a skill not many people can handle or contain. Some just give up and those people are probably full of negativity. To make these Six Attitudes of High Achievers apart of your daily life you can start by taking baby steps if that helps you. It's better to work at your paste, because there's no competition and this isn't a race. Working at your paste is also helpful, because it will help you complete your assignment and that's all that matters. That you complete your assignments at your paste.