Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluations

1. What are things you like about the class? 
Some things that I like about this class is how the assignments are not as difficult as other classes may assign them to be. Also, because Mr. Haymore always encourages us to strive for the best and brings out the best in us when we don't see it. 

2. What are things you don't like about this class? 
What i personally don't like about this class is how the grading is being evaluated because we always give it our all in the assignments but we never get the full points that we deserve. 

3. Recommendations for improving the class? 
I would recommend that students should be graded based on the work they've given and get tips on why they got the get you thought they deserved.

4. What was a highlight for you in this class? 
A highlight for me in this class was that it wasn't as stressful as other classes.

5. Explain; Did you really do your best in this class? 
Honestly, I believe that i didn't really do my best but I've given well written assignment that deserved an "A". They may have not been my best but i did what was asked and a little extra. 

6. Answer; Are you reading and writing in your life planning Goals Journal: both parts- Goals part and Sharpen the Saw Part for at least five minutes daily and reporting. Explain? 
Why yes of courses, I am reading and writing in my Life Planning Goals Journal, because I actually have goals that I will accomplish soon enough. It's not really that difficult to do what is asked from Mr. Haymore and a few accomplishments you wish to achieve wouldn't hurt to be written done for an assignment.

7. Answer; Are you committed to being a CTR person and seeking Personal Development? Why or Why Not? 
I actually am committed into staying a CTR person and seeking personal development, because not only will it benefit me in the long run but I can help and influence others to do the right thing and to be successful. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Key 1Clarity

"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life.  Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going.  If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

To have clarity is to have the quality of being easy to see or hear. Having clarity can be difficult for many people but it all depends on how your personality is. I can strongly agree with Brian Tracy about making sure you are determined on what you want to be or where you want your life to be. Making sure you have a direction in what way you're going is being than not having any idea where you're heading. If you are not prepared for the real world then you will be doomed and will end up possibly not having the future you dreamed and were hoping to have so in order to accomplish you dreams yo have to focus lay out a plan and accomplish them. Being clear on the choices you have decided to make can take you to a positive or negative direction it all depends on how you are but it can lead to two different directions so make sure you make the right decisions thin clearly and do not let anything get in the way of your future and dreams.

Key 2Competence

"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

Committing to your future will benefit you in the long run because it's your future and you will be deciding your fate in which where you career will lead and how much money you'll end up having in your savings account. The more effort you put into your work then the better outcome you'll receive. Making sure your dedication is the effort you put into your opportunities then the less you have to worry about the outcome. Making sure you commit to your excellence then the more opportunities you'll receive and the brighter your future looks. 

Key 3Concentration

"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself “Is this the best use of my time?” before you start anything."

What it means to have concentration is the action or power of focusing on ones attention or mental effort. Making sure that you focus and have complete concentration on your work is best because if you don't then you wouldn't be doing the right thing which to focus on your work to receive the best grade you can.  Having concentration on a test is very important as well because they you'll get distracted and possibly fail because you didn't focus on the time you had to complete your test. Another way to concentrate is on your sport that way you'll know what you need to improve and how to manage that into your school work as well.  Concentrating for me personally is a bit difficult because i get distracted easily but since i know my weaknesses i just have to prevent them from happening no matter how intriguing the conversation is. Always remember to remained focus at all times. 

Key 4Common Sense
  • Train your mind
  • think things through
  • listen to your intuition
  • learn from setbacks

Key 5Creativity

"Except the fact that every human being is a genius.  The hallmark of creativity is asking questions.  The people who are most creative ask the most questions."

Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. Everyone has the ability to be creative or express themselves creatively. But not everyone chooses to improve their skills of learning how to use their imagination. Again not even needs to learn how to limit their imagination or learn how to use it but there is no limit to how far your imagination takes place because you are free to write freely. Creativity can come from motivation that you develop or that you had when you began to brainstormed.

Key 6Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.  Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."

Having to consider other peoples thoughts, feelings, opinions, or ideas is a big deal because that's how you can start building relationships with others. Developing this skill will not only benefit you in the long run but it can also teach you to respect others and that your ideas or thoughts aren't the only ones that matter. having to make decisions as a whole is the whole concept of consideration. Not only having yourself included makes you considerate of others and not selfish and always just worrying about yourself. Ways that it can benefit you is if you have to work on a group project you and your group members have to consider each others ideas and plans. It just can't go how one person wants it to because they're being inconsiderate towards others. Another way is if you're being examined by your boss and puts you to work with others he would expect you to show him how considerate you are of other options or opinions your peers may have. 

Key 7: Consistency

"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work.""Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work.  Be the person that people can depend upon.  That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."

To be consistently on top of your work is good because it can better your future and help you make the consistently a routine. Being able to put your priorities first is a good skill to achieve because it can help you get organized and it can help you knock out the things you need to get done no exceptions before the you do the ones that don't really matter as much. Being able to have a consistency routine prevents you from procrastinating and not slacking off. In order to commit in a relationship, family, or your career you need to be sure that you need to be consistent and work to develop your relationships work. Make you're not giving up because being consistent is not being a quitter because being a quitter doesn't get you anywhere.

Key 8Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment.  The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work.  Be totally committed."

In order to commitment you have to be determined and give it your all. If you don't you can't build up a relationship with others even if it's just either a friendship or etc. Everything is based on commitment such as trust is the main thing. if there is no trusting in your partner then you falsely believe that your partner is not committing then you'll start to do the same maybe. Anyways commitment is also important because it can show how committed you can be to anything such as you career, relationship, friendships, interviews, and etc.  Being commitment can be something you can learn to develop or improve. It takes leadership to be able to commit to something without backing up. Shoeing how committed you can be towards something maybe you can have an impact or influence others to do the same and they'll follow your lead. Some signs of commitment can be making a journal of goals you will complete in a certain amount of moths, years etc and it can be a way to help you commit to the goals you want to achieve. Commitment can be the key to many things you'll just have to experience what it's like to be committed to something. Being in a sport also takes commitment so that can also be a way to start off slow trying commitment to many opportunities.

Key 9Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life." 

I agree with Brian Tracy because the only thing that stops people from their accomplishments is their fear of not being able to accomplish them. For example many people could have tried out for sports they wanted to join and improve their skills and possibly could have gotten a scholarship from the sport they were playing but never tried out before they were afraid that they weren't going to make the team. Many of us bring ourselves down and always assume that we won't be able to do anything. We always let our ear get in the way of our success. Instead of letting our fear get in the way of the things we want to accomplish we should embrace that fear and go through with it because it'll show us how we can overcome any obstacle that gets in our way. using the fear as advantage can help us in the long run because we can always look back at tell ourselves that we did it and our fear didn't stop us. We have to learn how to build up our courage and overcome fears that are stopping us from our great future ahead of us. As someone once said courage is doing something that you didn't think you'll be doing. Search for the hero that's inside your self to motivate you to do things that you didn't think you were capable of doing. 

Key 10Confidence

"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."

In order to have confidence the feeling or belief that one can reply on someone or something; firm trust.  Being confident not only helps you but it can also inspire confidence in others as well. Gaining the confidence to be yourself helps you find yourself more and helps you define what you are made of. Lack of self-confidence can really damage your life because then you start thinking low of yourself and start to judge your performance and nothing will ever be good enough for you. But to be honest nothing is ever perfect as long as you try your best you will always stay above especially if you have confidence in yourself and others. facing your fears is something that can be very difficult at first as soon as you start believing in yourself and build the courage to face your fears that's when you build the confidence you needed to help you face your fears. Once others start seeing how easier everything is once you faced everything you were afraid of you'll inspire them to do the same because who doesn't want to be fearless and confidence about themselves. 


1)  How can they benefit you?  

I can benefit from these 10 Keys to Personal Power by using them in a daily basis.
2)  Which keys are you applying now, and what difference are they making in your life? 

The keys I am applying to my life right now is the confidence key. Having confidence should be important to have in your life because without confidence you wont be successful. Another key that I am applying to my life is the key of consistency because if I do not consist of continuing to try again then i will not be able to ever get it right. Another one I use in a daily basis is the key of consideration. The key of consideration is important to ones daily life because if you do not consider others opinions or thoughts how do you expect to get a job that consist of you working well with others if you cannot work with others. 
3)  How will you incorporate the other keys into your Life Planning plans?

The way I will incorporate these keys into my life planning plans is by writing them done onto my calendar and checking them off as I go about my day. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

i learned that the book is very descriptive and helpful towards many people. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People can help change many people's lives in  positive way.