Pyramid of Success
John Wooden
The 25 Building Blocks of the
Pyramid of Success
Block 1: Industriousness
"In plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success."
If you want to be successful then you have to be determined and work hard. Nothing can replace or substitute your hard work. What is means to be successful is that you can't give up even when it turns out to be tough. Make sure to avoid negative people, complainers, and those who suck the life out of you by taking without giving. It's hard to move forward with your plans when you're constantly bombarded by the negativity of people around you. Instead, surround yourself with successful, positive people. To be Industriousness it means to be actively engaged or occupied.
Block 2: Enthusiasm"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."
When we have enthusiasm about our work then we'll have a great outcome because we are confident and we were enthusiastic when completing the assignment. What it means to be enthusiastic is having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. It's always good to live a little make sure you have life in you share your positivity with others and help others smile and have enthusiasm. Live with enthusiasm because like Wooden once said "nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm". We all have the choice to live enthusiastic or not too. Make sure you always commit to your goals and stay joyful.
Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."
Friendship is the most important thing to because it can help you build bonds and your social life as well. Without friends who else would you confine in other than you family. Sometimes people want an opinion from their best friend about something before telling their parents. Friendship can be determined by how good you get along with each other and how well you trust that person. Friendship is very important so if your best friend were to start distant themselves from you and they start confining in others what only you guys should know then it wasn't a real friendship and you have to be careful in who you trust and confine in because some people will just stab you in the back or use your person information to blackmail you. So be careful in who you trust friendship is a valuable meaning to some people and you wouldn't want to make them regret them trusting you.
Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."
Having loyalty is very important because without loyalty you can't build up a friendship or relationship. Loyalty is the quality of being loyal to someone or something. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence. Colin Powell. Trust is a big word for me. Loyalty and trust, for me, are everything. It's the core of what I'm about and what the people around me hopefully are about. It's a certain thing that gives you a sense of security. It's the biggest factor in everything I do"Tommy Mottola.
Block 5: Cooperation
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "
Cooperation is the process of working together to the same end.The definition of cooperation is people working together to achieve results or people helping each other out to achieve a common goal. An example of cooperation is when one person hands you a brick and you lay the brick. Cooperation is important because it allows people and groups to work together to achieve a common goal or derive mutual benefits. Teamwork is often a physical joining of two people or a group to accomplish a task.
Block 6: Ambition
For noble goals
Being initiative is having the ability to access and initiate things independently. Showing initiative is a must do in demonstrating your value at work. Initiative correlates strongly with personal achievement and professional development. It is the act of taking personal responsibility for your growth, and it is a clear sign of your capacity to develop as a leader. Being initiative is being able to make the right decisions. Be a role model for showing initiative because someone is bound to look up to you and want to follow your steps to a success yet right life. Make sure to help yourself and others make the choice to lead with action and initiative. When nobody wants to take initiative to get thing done that help benefit you then get it done yourself and take the credit because others who don't take initiative to help don't deserve full credit for something you did.
Block 10: Intentness
What it means to be intentness is to firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed, as the eyes or mind; an intent gaze or to have the attention sharply focused or fixed on something; intent on ones job. Three ways someone can build their intentness is by 1. Finding a Timer, 2. for still work such as basketball, music,memorization, studying, or etc set the time for 20 minutes and work as intently as you can for 20 minutes at a task. Once the 20 minutes are up, switch to a different task or still, you can circle back later to the same skill or task but commit to working as hard as you can on a skill or task for 10-20 minutes and then switch. At the end of 3 rounds, stop and take a short 6 minute break. As long as you stay commit to something you are being intentness about how serious you can stay focused on getting your work done.
Sincerity is a mix of seriousness and honesty. If you do thing sincerity people will trust you. Sincerity is also apart of patience and compassion,sincerity is one of those qualities we all probably wish we had more of or wish others had more of. People who show sincerity are being serious kind, and truthful. Politicians who show sincerity tend to do well because people believe and trust them. An apology full of sincerity will probably be accepted depending on how much damage you caused the other person emotionally, mentally, financially, or physically. On the other hand,if you show no sincerity by being sarcastic or dismissive you will most likely not be forgive especially if you tend to make the same mistake more than twice. Being able to keep friends is easy but for some people it can be difficult because it can be hard for them to trust others. Making sure that you show honest sincerity your friends will stick by you as long as you are true to them.
To be adaptable is being able to adjust to new conditions. Such as if you were to move to a new school you'd have to adapt to the new rules and conditions of the school. Having to adapt to new teams, organizations, people, and environments can be difficult but I admire the people who can learn to adjust to it because it is hard I've had to learn to adjust to new schools and I'm still stilling to adjust to my school and I've been here for about a year and a half close to two years. Rather than getting stuck on one solutions to solve a problem, adaptable people have a contingency plan in place for when Plan A doesn't work out for them. To adapt is to grow, to change, and to change you must forego what you once believed to be "right'. For example we learn to adapt on reading and writing as a child.
To be conditioned is the state of something, especially with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order. It should be mandatory for everyone to be in good condition physically, emotionally, mentally and financially. Having a least 7 hours of sleep daily is a good working habit condition but if you now you're not really doing anything productive by 8 or 9 pm then you should sleep to get your rest because the more rest you get the better. Its also better if you sleep in silence and not while listening to music because you're brain will still be functioning and working so you're not really getting any rest if you listening to music as a sleeping helping mechanism because it doesn't really help you get rested. Practice makes perfect eventually but not by tomorrow so make sure to practice exercising your brain to help it get accustomed to what you want to improve on little by little you'll notice the progress. It takes time and patience because not everything gets down right away.
To have skill is the ability to do something well; expertise. Having skill takes practice and hard work sometimes the skill can be a gift but its something you can develop on your own. At the moment every student is skilled with determination here at Marquez high school whether if it's for school or sports but they are determined to succeed. Being prepared is an important asset to ones ability because we need to be skilled and prepared if we ever want to survive the real world. Nothing is given to us but we can achieve the skill or opportunity our selves. We can work on whatever skill that we want to improve on for example if you want to improve your hitting skills for volleyball continue to practice your approach and hand angle so you can get the strength of your hit to narrow down and let the team receive the hit or let them watch us receive the point.
Team spirit is the feelings of camaraderie among the members of a group, enabling them to cooperate and work well together. Team spirit is the key to success. Team spirit plays an important role both in personal and professional life styles. When people get together for achieving a common goal and common attitude shows during work that is called team spirit. A proverb is established like that "Coming together is a beginning." It's important to work in a team because of delegation. A team that works well together understands the strengths and weaknesses of each team member . One of the benefits of strong teamwork in the workplace is that team leaders and members become proficient at dividing up tasks so they are done by the most qualified people. This is why teamwork is so important to develop as a skill because everything involves teamwork.
Honesty is the quality of being honest. Honesty is important because it creates peace of mind and promotes relationships of trust. The benefits of honesty extend to personal health, relationships and society at large. The opposite, lying, leads to distrust, conflict, corruption and anxiety. Honesty also makes relationships stronger by promoting trust. If someone discover that they have been lied to, they are more likely to doubt the liar's words in the future. Honesty also enables self-improvement. A person who is honest with himself recognizes his weaknesses and is thus able to work toward becoming better. Someone who is dishonest with themselves denies their flaws and never improves. Being honest in life means choosing not to lie, steal, cheat , or deceive in anyway. When we are honest, we build strength of character that will allow us to be of great service to God and to others. We are blessed with peace of mind and self respect and will be trusted by the Lord and others.
To be resourceful is the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. Resourcefulness is about optimizing what you have to work with. Being resourceful takes more than cognitive skill. It takes the ability to process information emotionally as well as intellectually. Research shows that resourceful students are not only better at achieving their goals, but also respond better under stress. Being resourceful can be handy within time for one because of academic reasons. people think that they need more of something when the truth is they need a different perspective and see things other ways. Because everything you need is there for you People don't need money to make their goals reality they need resourcefulness. Resourcefulness is all you need to change your work.Make your dreams a goal and a reality. Resourcefulness is something you have already.
I agree with this quote because the only approval anyone ever needs is their own. But if you insist on getting anyone else's approval make sure it's an opinion from someone that matters to you. Being yourself gives your leadership style an approach-ability that you may not otherwise bring to your team. You should be comfortable being yourself and being able to show this to your team. Those issues that may shake others to their core have little impact on you. You rarely fight yourself in the sense that you know what your plans and goals are and you never get in your own way. Being poise makes it much easier for people to adapt to situations. This is almost a zen-like aspect of your personality. When stress starts to build for you and your team you are able to overcome those issues by being the relaxed and, for lack of a better term, individual showing poise in the face of adversity. Poise isn't something that needs to be trained because we already have the acknowledgement of it, but it just depends on whether we'd like to learn that skill. There are always going to be good and bad days but the poise and strength comes out when you know that you'll be able to handle it and get through the rough times just as you did with the great times.
Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust. Self confidence is important because it can determine how much you achieve in life and also because it has a major impact on your happiness. Self confidence can be defined as your assessment of your own self-worth. If they're indifferent to success in that field, then it's unlikely to affect their confidence or self-esteem. A lack of confidence, or being under-confident , will prevent a person taking risks,from accepting new challenges,from stretching themselves beyond their existing comfort zone. On the other hand, over-confidence can lead to failure. A person may not prepare for an event and then perform badly. Or they may over-estimate their skill or knowledge in a particular field and then set themselves up to fail.
Reliability is the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well. In order for research to be considered reliable it should produce the same (or similar) results if repeated. Reliability is highly important for psychological research.Reliability means to be persistent and helping others without hesitation. They find new ways to help others. They are professional and flexible and they get the job done. Being reliable means you're being honest and dependent. your reliable if you get things done ! reliability attracts opportunity!
When most people compete it's mostly out of anger and frustration because they think about "WINNING". Although i don't understand winning isn't everything. And if one is going to compete they should compete with greatness. What I mean by "competing with greatness" is that they should compete without the thought of winning or losing but out of fun because that is what makes everything so much better. Being competitive can be a great quality but yet it can also be a bad one. I say this because some people take being competitive to a whole new level and can get way out of line by doing so. But as i mentioned before it can be a great quality one can have because they know what they want and some know how far they should go to complete that task.
By having integrity you have the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Integrity is the importance skill for leadership. Knowing you have the skill to help and lead others in the right paths is a rewarding skill that should taught to everyone. To have integrity means to tell someone you love the truth even if it hurts them. It is better to be honest than to lie to the ones you love. They might hurt from the truth but eventually that scar will heal but if you just lead them to believe a lie that cut is as deep as the lies you told them and there's no telling how long it will take for them to heal from that constant pain and devastation. Integrity is the core of a successful and happy life. Nothing can get as good as having the best quality and have to live with it for as long as you live. If you lie to others it's like lying to yourself and not only are you hurting them but you hurt yourself.
Faith is Important. Faith is an expression of hope for something better. More than a wish, it is closer to a belief. A belief is rooted in the mind. We act in faith when there is no guarantee. Faith speaks the language of the heart. When things don't go according to plan we often loose faith and I believe that instead of losing our faith it should strengthen it. Without faith, we couldn't expect that things would turn out alright for us no matter what the situation might be.
For noble goals
To be ambition a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. Ambition describes those that achieve success based on their inner desire to do so and their belief in themselves. Ambition in itself may not be a key to success. Successful, ambitious people need both energy and goals to succeed. Someone with plenty of energy but no goals may find themselves pursuing one opportunity after another without success, wondering what it is that they are wanting out of life. Someone with goals but no energy may find themselves wanting to achieve success, but too complacent to do the work to go about pursing their goals. They might also start projects but quit when the work becomes too hard or too much for them. Ambition is not a requirement for success for some people. Many unambitious people would describe success as accepting what life has to offer and making the most out of it.
Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."
Self-control, an aspect of inhibitory control, is the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses. It is the ability to subdue our impulses in order to achieve longer-term goals. Rather than responding to immediate impulses, we can plan, evaluate alternative actions, and, often enough, avoid doing things we'll later regret. The ability to exert self-control is typically called willpower. It is what allows us to direct our attention, and it underlies all kinds of achievement. There is significant debate in science as to whether or not willpower is a finite resource. Studies demonstrate that exercising willpower makes heavy demands on mental energy, notably on reserves of glucose, the brain's preferred fuel, creating ego depletion.Recently, scientists have failed to replicate some of the studies underlying the concept of ego depletion, and more research is underway. Another way of self control is by choosing to stick to certain restrictions you put yourself on.
Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."
What it means to have alertness is to have the quality of being alert. a place of consciousness where one is alert and ready to respond to stimuli, versus when one is unaware or tired. Being alert in class is essential to learning and performance. Students who can sustain appropriate levels of alertness are characterized as being vigilant or fully engaged in school activities, for example, when attending to a lecture, reading a textbook, writing a report, or solving mathematical problems. Students who effectively control their alertness are able to concentrate without becoming mentally fatigued.
Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations. Be determined and persistent."

Block 11: Sincerity
Keeps friends
Keeps friends

Block 12: Adaptability
To any situation
To any situation

Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."

Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."

Block 15: Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."

Block 16: Honesty
In thought and action
In thought and action

Block 17: Resourcefulness
proper judgement
proper judgement

Block 18: Poise
I agree with this quote because the only approval anyone ever needs is their own. But if you insist on getting anyone else's approval make sure it's an opinion from someone that matters to you. Being yourself gives your leadership style an approach-ability that you may not otherwise bring to your team. You should be comfortable being yourself and being able to show this to your team. Those issues that may shake others to their core have little impact on you. You rarely fight yourself in the sense that you know what your plans and goals are and you never get in your own way. Being poise makes it much easier for people to adapt to situations. This is almost a zen-like aspect of your personality. When stress starts to build for you and your team you are able to overcome those issues by being the relaxed and, for lack of a better term, individual showing poise in the face of adversity. Poise isn't something that needs to be trained because we already have the acknowledgement of it, but it just depends on whether we'd like to learn that skill. There are always going to be good and bad days but the poise and strength comes out when you know that you'll be able to handle it and get through the rough times just as you did with the great times.
Block 19: Confidence
"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective."

Block 20: Reliability
Creates respect
Creates respect

Block 21: Fight
Determined effort
Determined effort
Fight has to deal with violence but the fight we are talking about today is about not giving up in what you believe or truly deserve. To fight is to never give up on something you love, never quit based on what others think. You shouldn't let others get in the way of your success. The effort to not give up and continue to fight no matter what gets in your way. One way that i fought for something was for example was for volleyball I fought for a sport on the time I pushed myself to continue because nothing is given to someone they earn it and they don't do that just by laying around waiting for it to come to them they do it by working hard to improve into a better player or person. They push themselves as far as they can take it and don't give up because they've came so far to be where they are now. I pushed myself and observed the way others would play and based on that I pushed myself to be better than everyone including the person I once thought I wouldn't be. I fought ad earned myself a position on the team and I achieved "The Most Improved" player in our volleyball banquet. Don't let your mind get to you , if you have a dream you must do everything to make it reality . Life itself is a test sometimes you fail but in order to stop failing you must never give up. Push yourself to become the person you want to become . Success isn't about the money, fame or the big house its about becoming the best version of yourself . Create a mind set that doesn't allow you to quit. You should never doubt yourself. "The more you learn the more you earn". In order to be successful you have to schedule your time right . We must be productive and use our time wisely because we won't be able to get that time back.
Block 22: Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."

Block 23: Integrity
Purity of intention
Purity of intention

Block 24: Faith
Believe and Achieve
Believe and Achieve

Block 25: Patience
Good things take time
Good things take time